Advising on the legal status of our clients prior to litigation, either on cases against them or theirs.
Providing legal advice and preparation of studies for companies, institutions, and individuals in all aspects of civil, commercial, criminal, personal laws and other matters.
Corporate incorporation and management
Providing corporate incorporation services, trademark and patent protection, and writing commercial contracts and Articles of Associations.
Welcome to AHMED ALDHELAIA - About Us
AHMED ALDHELAIA Lawyers and Legal Consultants L.L.C-O.P.C is a professional law firm committed to providing Legal Services and Solutions to its clients, through a qualified team with scientific and practical experience in all areas of law. The law firm founded by Dr. AHMED ALDHELAIA in 2015, in Abu Dhabi. The Firm is authorized to exercise legal profession and legal advice services within the United Arab Emirates, mainly in litigation and consultation services, with the possibility of providing legal advice in other Statesand Countries, as well as mastery of international laws and agreements, especially the commercial treaties.
Strengthening the rule of law, rights and justice, and serving the community of the UAE.
A commitment to providing legal services and solutions through a wide work experienced team, based on our believe of the importance of the legal profession and its Charter of Honor.
Our Services
Legal Consultations
Providing legal advice and preparation of studies for companies, institutions, and individuals in all aspects of civil, commercial, criminal, personal laws and other matters.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Provide legal services through alternative dispute resolution solutions, whether mediation, conciliation, reconciliation, settlement or arbitration.
Representing our clients
in all forms of negotiation to ensure their rights.
Representing our clients in all stages of litigation before all courts in the UAE or abroad.
Advising on the legal status of our clients prior to litigation, either on cases against them or theirs
Corporate incorporation and management services
providing corporate incorporation services, trademark and patent protection, and writing commercial contracts and Articles of Associations.
Legal Representation
Representing our clients legally, at all official bodies, police stations and public prosecution.
Our Expertise
Areas of Legal Specialty: All legal fields including
- Civil Law
- Commercial Law
- Companies Law
- Real estate Laws
- Intellectual Property Law
- Administrative Law
- Labor law
- International Law
- Maritime Law
- Personal Status Law
- Criminal law